The ASAP BBS Degree is a Balanced Mix of Real-Life Ministry Competencies.

This degree program consists of an initial Orientation of two (2) credits, eight (8) program courses of three (3) credits each, and one final program reflection and review project of four (4) credits.  The program's total of thirty (30) credits is designed to be completed in 82 weeks or about one and a half years.  This schedule makes it possible to earn your degree more quickly, but without sacrificing the quality of learning or being pressed by unattainable completion deadlines.  The ASAP program is specifically designed for mature learners who have a God-lead passion for Biblical scholarship that can be applied in the lives of others.  We hope you will agree, and join our family of Applied Scholars.*

*Due to eBook restrictions, the Applied Scholars Program is limited to residents of the United States.  All other programs are offered internationally.


Only 18 Months from Start to Finish!

Courses are completed in the sequence listed below.  Though not recommended, students may work ahead on courses, but may not submit course work for grading out of the prescribed sequence.  Experience has proven that working out of sequence disrupts the learning process.  Another caution is that students are strongly encouraged to abide by the two-week breaks between courses.  This is an accelerated learning process, and rest between courses is necessary for keeping a balance between study, ministry and family.  We should take seriously the admonition of our Lord to His disciples:  "And He said to them, "Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." (For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat)" (Mark 6:31 NASV). 

  • WEEKS 1 - 3 | MyMIUD Orientation


    Here is where students begin the Applied Scholars journey.  The MyMIUD Orientation is a two-credit general orientation course all MIUD degree students take.  The Orientation gives the best possible start on a spiritual journey like no other. Throughout the program, students can refer back to this course as a reminder of helpful information.

  • WEEKS 5 - 10 | Course #1: Evidence for Biblical Inspiration

    Course Purpose:

    To provide the student with an opportunity to examine the internal evidence for the validity of the Bible as its own source of confirmation of Divine inspiration, and to challenge the student to analyze this internal evidence critically and competently.

    Course Objectives:

    1.  To introduce the reasons why anecdotal, external, and academic evidence for Divine inspiration fails, so that the student can identify the reasons why this evidence cannot convince a skeptic.

    2.  To provide the student with the fundamentals of internal evidence for Divine inspiration in such a manner as to make this evidence clear, comprehensible, and incontrovertible.

    3.  To enable the student to gain such a complete understanding of the internal evidence for Divine inspiration that the student will become competent to teach such evidence to others.

  • WEEKS 13-18 | Course #2: Old Testament Survey

    Course Purpose

    To give the student a topical understanding of the Old Testament; to provide a general understanding of the purpose and theme of each of those books.

    Course Objectives

    1. Acquire a general knowledge of the chronology of the first part of the Old Testament.

    2. Understand the early highlights of biblical history with the nation of Israel as its centerpiece.  

    3. Identify major prominent Old Testament characters and understand how those characters fit into the major events of Old Testament history.

    4. Apply knowledge and understanding of the first books of the Old Testament to further biblical study.

  • WEEKS 21-26 | Course #3: New Testament Survey

    Course Purpose

    To present and expose the student to the study of the New Testament as a whole; to enable the student to recognize and interpret individual characters, the purpose and theme of each New Testament book, and the relation of the Old Testament to the New Testament; to apply that knowledge in the student’s ministry and to lead the student to examine carefully the various interpretive options in New Testament studies.

    Course Objectives

    1. To introduce the nature and contents of the New Testament so that the student can recognize the purpose and theme of each book and to enable the student to interpret the New Testament books and themes in light of their fulfillment of the Old Testament.

    2. To lead the student to apply the lessons and doctrines of the New Testament to his/her ministry context.

    3. To enable the student to carefully compare the various interpretive options in New Testament studies and relate them to his/her own commitment to Scripture.

  • WEEKS 29-34 | Course #4: Apologetics

    Course Purpose

    To introduce and expose the student to foundational issues in the study of Apologetics; to enable the student to identify key terms and describe essential issues of Apologetics and to apply Apologetic methodology to contemporary challenges; to offer the student the opportunity to explore significant challenges to the Christian faith and apologetic responses to those challenges; to examine and analyze the competing truth claims of rival world views.

    Course Objectives

    1. To introduce the nature and contents of Apologetics so that the student can identify key challenges to Christianity and describe ways of responding to rival truth claims.

    2. To lead the student to interpret underlying philosophical, historical, and scientific issues and to engage her/him intellectually.

    3. To enable the student to explain various systems of Apologetics and to employ them in light of her/his own theological commitment.

    4. To provide the student an opportunity to integrate various strands of apologetic argument and to relate them to authentic ministry opportunities.

    5. To challenge the student to develop and formulate her/his own apologetic response to authentic challenges from rival world views.

    6. To empower the student to critique truth claims and to determine their degree of validity in light of biblical, theological, historical, philosophical, and scientific data.

  • WEEKS 37-42 | Course #5: Bible Teaching Practicum

    Course Description:  This course provides an opportunity for the student to become acquainted with the basic fundamentals of teaching a particular Bible subject.

    Course Outcome:    As a result of the successful completion of this course, the student will be prepared to teach basic lessons from the Bible to various groups of individuals.  The student will be prepared to use fundamental teaching techniques that enable students to grasp basic Bible teachings.

  • WEEKS 45-50 | Course #6: Christ-Centered Preaching

    Course Purpose:

    To introduce and expose students to the elements and principles of Christ-centered preaching so they can acquire a basic and introductory knowledge of how to prepare and deliver biblical messages using a variety of homiletical techniques and designs.

    To provide opportunities for students to relate the elements and principles of Christ-centered preaching to their pulpit and public speaking ministries and to examine and analyze both the theological foundations and the communication theory behind the process of preparing and delivering effective biblical messages using a variety of homiletical techniques and designs.

    To develop the student's ability to summarize, formulate, and evaluate theological and rhetorical principles related to Christ-centered preaching and to enhance the student's ability to assess the values and impact of preparing and delivering effective biblical messages using a variety of homiletical techniques and designs.

    Course Objectives:

    1.  To introduce the basic concepts associated with preaching Christ-centered preaching so that students can identify and describe the essential steps necessary to prepare and deliver effective biblical messages using a variety of homiletical techniques and designs.

    2.  To help students understand why well-implemented methods of Christ-centered preaching are essential to the long-term growth and stability of the local church.

    3.  To enable students to analyze and explain how God can use the concepts of Christ-centered preaching to spiritually strengthen the members of their local church.

    4.  To give students an opportunity to utilize their basic knowledge and understanding of Christ-centered preaching by relating what they know to their pulpit and public speaking ministries.

  • WEEKS 53-58 | Course #7: Biblical Directionism Counseling

    Course Purpose

    The purpose of this course is to introduce the student to the Bible as an adequate handbook for the human mind and to supply the student with a basic system for using the Bible as a counseling model.

    Course Objective

    As a result of successful completion, the student will be able to identify and understand the basic five-point counseling system contained in the Bible, and thereby be equipped to transfer this understanding into a practical and effective pattern for counseling.

  • WEEKS 69-74 | Course #8: Readings In Marriage and Family Counseling

    Course Purpose

    To introduce the student to a biblical approach to Marriage and Family counseling through selective reading so that the student will acquire the basic knowledge of the biblical conceptions of family roles and interpersonal relationships, and be able to trace the importance of these data and interpret them in terms of the counseling process. 

    Course Objectives

    1. Encourage the student to differentiate marriage problems and translate biblical principles for understanding these marriage and family problems.

    2. Enable the student to illustrate the use of biblical principles in solving marriage and family problems, and explain how they are useful.

    3. Enable the student to analyze problems, and practice marriage and family counseling in an acceptable manner.

  • WEEKS 77-82 | Final Program Reflection and Review Project

    Final Program Reflection and Review Project FRV-400-ASAP (4 credits)

    At the end of each of the eight program courses, the student was required to write an assessment of how that course influenced their thinking and understanding of the subject.  From those eight courses, the student then creates an overall program assessment.

    When all requirements have been fulfilled, the student begins the process of requesting graduation information. 



    ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS:  Ninety (90) bachelor-level credits, or a combination of previously earned college-level credits, technical school, trade school, military, ministry, police, firefighter, EMT, industry training, or life-learning portfolio totaling ninety (90) credits.  

    Our admissions team will help put together past credits, and other relevant kinds of learning experiences.  There is no cost for this service.

    Prospective students, not meeting these requirements are encouraged to request a FREE Personalized Evaluation for the purpose of possibly enrolling in a different program that can prepare them for future acceptance.

    TUITION:  Total tuition cost is $99 x 30 credits = $2,970.  For complete details including payment options CLICK HERE.

Yes, it is about time, and how we use it.  There are more than 382 uses of the word time in the Bible.  Of course, there are many different applications, but all refer to either the past, present, or future.  As you know, we only have control over the present.

Perhaps the Apostle Paul expressed it best in Ephesians 5:16 where he encouraged his readers to be "making the most of your time, because the days are evil."  May God bless you as you invest your time, and accelerate your learning!

The ASAP Bachelor of Biblical Studies in Applied Theology program will guide you step-by-step from the day you start until graduation.  In the meantime, there will be breaks between courses and contingency time to cover those unexpected experiences that are part of real-life ministry.


Each course will be linked to a quick file download.  The downloaded study guide will provide complete step-by-step instructions.

The course information will provide required textbooks, submission instructions, and timeline requirements before beginning each course.


All textbooks will be available in eBook format for easy and cost-effective download.  Costs vary, but the average cost is usually under $30.00.  Most textbooks can be purchased through the MIUD Online Bookstore.

You will know well in advance of each course so that you can begin and complete each course in a timely manner.


There are eight applied theology courses, and a final program reflection and review project., but the program begins with a web-based Orientation Course that provides all the tools necessary for successfully completing the entire degree in 82 weeks.  That's only about a year and a half! 

The entire program is designed to work on most computers, smart devices, or smartphones.

Do you feel apprehensive about taking extensive final exams?  Not a problem.  All courses are designed with easy-to-understand written responses at the end of each course.

Along the way, to help keep up the momentum, we provide an easy Student Contact Form that makes it possible to get help quickly and conveniently.



Experienced Bible scholars will immediately recall the words of the Apostle Paul (from the KJV) to Timothy his young protege: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth" (II Timothy 2:15). The Biblical Greek word "study" is a verb - spoudázō meaning "to exert one's self, endeavour, give diligence."

Here is a point of fact. God gave us His Word in the form of a Book - the best and most important of all books ever written and read. That very fact teaches us that God desires His people to be a reading people. That's why He had His "holy men of God" write as they were moved by the Holy Spirit (II Peter 1:21).

Consider the importance of writing. The word wrote is used 56 times in the Bible, the word write 72 times, the word written 251 times, and the word writing 29 times. That's a total of 408 times!

The first time: "Then the LORD said to Moses, 'Write this in a book as a memorial and recite it to Joshua'" (Exodus 17:14 NASV).

The last time: "and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book" (Revelation 22:19 NASV).

Now, if it is written, then it must be read - right? 

The words read/read, and reading are used 74 times in the Bible.

The first time: "Then he took the book of the covenant and read it in the hearing of the people; and they said, "All that the LORD has spoken we will do, and we will be obedient" (Exodus 24:7 NASV).


The last time: "I adjure you by the Lord to have this letter read to all the brethren" ( I Thessalonians 5:27 NASV).

God has planned that the method by which we open, expand, deepen and develop our understanding of His Word is primarily through reading and writing - the inseparable foundations for Biblical learning, and in fact, all true learning.

Nothing can take the place of learning the Word of God through reading and writing as one is alone with the Holy Spirit. In that environment, we are taught by God as in no other way. As it has been said, "You must be taught by God, before you teach for God."

Therefore, the foundation of study for all the courses in the MIUD Applied Scholars Program is reading and writing.  That foundation will enhance, improve and empower you as no other form of learning can possibly do as effectively.

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